componet.ts file code Gropuing Data and display in view

suvarna chikkamath
5 min readApr 25, 2023

import { Component, OnInit } from ‘@angular/core’;

import { CommonServiceService } from ‘src/app/services/common-service.service’;

import { FormBuilder, FormGroup, Validators, FormControl } from ‘@angular/forms’;

import { Router } from ‘@angular/router’;


selector: ‘app-publications’,

templateUrl: ‘./publications.component.html’,

styleUrls: [‘./publications.component.scss’]


export class PublicationsComponent implements OnInit {

public publicationData = [];

publicationForm!: FormGroup;

showIcon: boolean = false;

articleArray = [];

ChapterNumValue = “”;

totalparagraphArray: any[];

totalRegulationContentArray: any[];

ParagraphArray: any[];

totalArray = [];

totalRcArrays = [];

userData = [];

tempArray = [];

totalArticals = [];

isExpand: boolean;

selectedChapter = “Tab1”;

selectedArticle = “Tab2”;

selectedPara = “Tab3”;



constructor(private commonService: CommonServiceService, private fb: FormBuilder,private route: Router) {

this.publicationForm ={

publicationForm: new FormControl()



ngOnInit(): void {

this.commonService.getPublicatonsdata().subscribe((item) => {


this.publicationData = item[‘results’][0];


this.selectedRow(“Chapter 1 “,this.publicationData,0)



getChapterGroup() {

this.tempArray = [];

this.userData = [];

this.userData = this.publicationData;

const groupedData = this.userData.reduce((acc, obj) => {

const key = obj.chapter_num;

if (!acc[key]) {

acc[key] = [];



return acc;

}, {});

for (let x in groupedData) {

let dataArrays = groupedData[x];

let dataJson = {

“chapter_num”: x,

“chapterData”: dataArrays



// console.log(this.tempArray)



activeChapter(tab: string) {

this.selectedChapter = tab;


activeArticle(tab: string) {

this.selectedArticle = tab;


activePara(tab: string) {

this.selectedPara = tab;


selectedRow(selectedValue, item, index) {

this.totalArray = [];

this.totalArticals = [];

this.totalRcArrays = [];

this.totalRegulationContentArray = []

this.ParagraphArray = [];

this.totalparagraphArray = [];

this.userData =[];

// this.tempArray =[];

// this.isExpand = true;

this.getGroupArtical(selectedValue, item, index);


getGroupArtical(selectedValue, item, index) {

this.userData = item;

this.totalArray = Object.values(this.userData.reduce((acc, { index, chapter_num, article_name }) => {

const key = index + ‘_’ + article_name;

acc[key] = acc[key] || { chapter_num, article_name };

return acc;

}, {}));

this.totalArticals = this.totalArray.filter(s => s.chapter_num === selectedValue);

// console.log(“totalArticals data:”, this.totalArticals);


getArticals(chapter_num) {

return this.totalArray.filter(s => s.chapter_num === chapter_num);


selectedArticalName = “”;

selectedChapterNum = “”;

selectedRowParagrah(selectedValue, item, index) {


// console.log(“item”,item);

this.isExpand = true;

this.getGroupPara(selectedValue, item, index);


async getGroupPara(selectedValue, item, index) {

this.totalRcArrays = [];

this.totalRegulationContentArray = []

this.ParagraphArray = [];

this.totalparagraphArray = [];

this.userData = await item;

// this.selectedArticalName = selectedValue;

// this.selectedChapterNum = chapter_num;

this.ParagraphArray = Object.values(this.userData.reduce((acc, { index, chapter_num, article_name, paragraphs, regulatory_id, regulation_content }) => {

const key = index + ‘_’ + paragraphs;

acc[key] = acc[key] || { chapter_num, article_name, paragraphs, regulatory_id, regulation_content };

return acc;

}, {}));

this.totalparagraphArray = this.ParagraphArray.filter(s => s.article_name === selectedValue);

console.log(“totalparagraphArray data:”, this.totalparagraphArray);


getParagrahs(article_name) {

return this.ParagraphArray.filter(s => s.article_name === article_name);


selectedRowRegulationContent(selectedValue, item, selectedparagraphs,index) {

//this.totalRcArrays = this.totalRegulationContentArray.filter(s => s.article_name === selectedValue && s.paragraphs==selectedPara);

this.selectedParaName = selectedparagraphs;

this.getGroupRc(selectedValue, item, selectedparagraphs,index);


async getGroupRc(selectedValue, item,selectedparagraphs, index) {

this.totalRcArrays = [];

this.totalRegulationContentArray = []

this.userData = await item;

// console.log(“userData”, this.userData)

this.totalRegulationContentArray = Object.values(this.userData.reduce((acc, { index, article_name, paragraphs,regulation_content, regulatory_id }) => {

const key = index + ‘_’ + regulation_content;

acc[key] = acc[key] || { article_name,paragraphs, regulation_content, regulatory_id };

return acc;

}, {}));

this.totalRcArrays = this.totalRegulationContentArray.filter(s => s.article_name === selectedValue);


getRegulations(paragraphs) {

return this.totalRcArrays.filter(s => s.paragraphs === paragraphs);


getNavigate(rid) {

this.route.navigate([‘/overview-details’], { queryParams: { regID: rid } })



component .html file

<div class=”main”>

<div class=”header”>






<li>Regulation content</li>




<div class=”content”>



<div class=”inner-content” *ngFor=”let obj of tempArray;let i= index” [ngClass]=”{‘active’: (selectedChapter == obj.chapter_num) }” (click)=”activeChapter(obj.chapter_num)”>

<div (click)=”obj.isExpand = !obj.isExpand”>

<label (click)=”selectedRow(obj.chapter_num,obj.chapterData,i)”>{{obj.chapter_num}}</label>




<li >

<div *ngFor=”let obj of tempArray;let i= index”>

<ng-container *ngFor=”let item of getArticals(obj.chapter_num)”>

<div class=”inner-content” id=”{{i}}” *ngIf=”obj.isExpand” [ngClass]=”{‘active’: (selectedArticle == item.article_name) }” (click)=”activeArticle(item.article_name)”>

<label id=”{{i}}” (click)=”selectedRowParagrah(item.article_name,obj.chapterData,i)”>{{item.article_name}}</label>





<li >

<div >

<ng-container *ngFor=”let par of getParagrahs(articleNameSelected)”>

<div id=”{{i}}” class=”inner-content” *ngIf=”isExpand” [ngClass]=”{‘active’: (selectedPara == par.paragraphs) }” (click)=”activePara(par.paragraphs)”>

<label id=”{{i}}” (click)=”selectedRowRegulationContent(par.article_name,ParagraphArray,par.paragraphs,i)”>{{par.paragraphs}}</label>





<li >


<div class=”inner-content” *ngFor=”let rc of getRegulations(selectedParaName)”>


<span class=”reqDetail”><a class=”regNav” (click)=”getNavigate(rc.regulatory_id)”>{{rc.regulatory_id}}</a></span>








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background: #EEF5FF;


/* Just to give indication that it’s being clicked */

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border-left: 6px solid #2B6FD6;


.tab-radio {

display: none;


.para-radio {

display: none;


/* Tabs behaviour, hidden if not checked/clicked */



.para-content {

display: none;


.tab-radio:checked + .tab-content,

.tab-radio:checked + .sub-tab-content,

.tab-radio:checked + .para-tab


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.para-radio:checked + .para-content{

display: block;



display: block;


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// }

// .sub-tabs-container label:hover {

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// }

// .sub-tabs-container label:first-child:hover {

// background-color: #e6ee9c;

// }

/* Tabs Content */

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position: absolute;

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position: absolute;

left: 101%;

width: 50%;

top: 0;

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min-height: 300px;



position: absolute;

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width: 500%;

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padding: 20px 16px;


.content ul li:last-child .inner-content{

background: #EEF5FF;

padding-bottom: 10px;



margin-top: 12px;


.regNav {

color: var( — bs-link-color);

text-decoration: underline;

padding-left: 4px;


.regNav:hover {

color: var( — bs-link-hover-color);

cursor: pointer;




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